Sunday, 6 February 2011

Net Ready (Hardcover)

Review & Description

TheWall Street Journal Business Bestseller!

CISCO's secrets revealed!

CISCO is the global standard not just for internetworking but for Web sales strategies that work. CISCO has made itself the pre-eminent player in the new global economy. Net Ready shows how this vibrant company has done it and how anyone else can apply its unique strategies to succeed on the Web. It's not a blueprint but a set of flexible strategies for Web success­­a unique toolkit for every company ready to seize the Internet's limitless business potential. Net Ready explores the 12 tactics that have catapulted CISCO to the forefront, including its trademark concept of "informatization," which involves giving away the product and profiting from the information about the transaction.Is your business ready for the Net? Amir Hartman and John Sifonis say it better be, and they aren't just talking about a snazzy corporate Web site when they ask that question in Net Ready. Instead, the two managing directors at Cisco's Internet Business Solutions Group are referring to "seamless interactivity" organization-wide, the recognition that manipulating customers is no longer easy--nor, for that matter, desirable--and other realities and requirements in the still-evolving commercial climate they've dubbed the "E-conomy." Their book's opening section offers real-world trends and scenarios as a "framework to which emerging network-based businesses can map themselves," along with a "Net Readiness Scorecard" to measure preparedness in the core areas of leadership, governance, competencies, and technology. The second explores "using the Net to exploit new opportunities" by transforming products and markets, business processes, and entire industries. (They show, for example, how AOL reconceived itself from ISP to media company, how Ford connected with suppliers online, and how Schwab countered competitors by redefining the cyberbrokerage.) The third examines how everything comes together at Cisco Systems, and summarizes lessons learned--in 11 guiding principles. This is a serious book for those serious about doing business in the 21st century. --Howard Rothman Read more

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