By Christopher L. Boyer
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First tagged by Paulright674
Customer tags: stock market(4), investing, beginning trading, day trading, tips, how to, scottrade, online investing, how to trade, business, ideas, invest
Review & Description
The Ramblings of an Average Joe Stock Trader is a compilation of all information learned starting out as a investor then turned daytrader. This book gives the reader information that you will not find in other books, web sites or even asking your broker. The topics include things that you will only find out by hardwork trial and error. This book provides you with the questions that all investors should know when starting out. These are the things I wish someone would have told me when I started out trading stocks so long ago. The information inside this book would saved me hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars. The information in this book easily pays for itself 10 times over. Some of the topics include, getting started in trading, opening a brokerage account, trading with less than $25,000, paying commisions, charting setups, time frames, sources of information, stochastics, trend lines, channels, time frames, quarterly earnings, dividends, using the news, using margin, and much more including tips and tricks to dealing with the market. Read more
Great book for someone starting out and new to investing!