Sunday, 11 September 2011

Squatters Guide To Owning Free Real Estate (Kindle Edition)

Squatters Guide To Owning Free Real Estate
Squatters Guide To Owning Free Real Estate (Kindle Edition)
By John Milton Lawrence

Review & Description

(Squatting) consists of occupying an abandon or unoccupied space or building usually residential, that the squatter does not own, rent or otherwise have permission to use. Now just think about that statement, and let me say I am by no means advocating any lawlessness but what I am saying is that there are many people during this recession that lost their homes, through no fault of their own. Greed and fraud committed by unscrupulous real estate agents and agencies, large and small financial institutions that have rocked the very foundation of our economic system, and have left many people, broke, bewildered and homeless. As America becomes more like a third world nation and the homeless are forced to erect shanty towns and tent cities, one has to ask themselves, where has the American dream gone? There has never been a better time in history to squat or seize a property through adverse possession, considering there is a ton of unsold, unoccupied and over abundant amount of houses out there, that are ripe for the picking. So you now have my reason for writing this guide, yea I'm a little pissed off and to that end, I feel it's time to take back, it's an eye for an eye, you take mine and I'll take yours. I am neither a radical nor a lunatic, just someone who believes in some form of Justice, instead of the losing end being Just Us! I was not aware of the laws pertaining to squatting or adverse possession, until I researched the laws and found out exactly what adverse possession is and is not. To my surprise, I found that that squatting or adverse possession is a method of gaining legal title to real property, by the actual, open, hostile and continuous possession of it to the exclusion of it's true owner for the period prescribed by state law. It's a kind of legal theft, and every state has adverse possession laws, so check for the laws rules and regulations in your state. Adverse possession simply means the acquisition of land or real estate, by occupying it and paying the property taxes on it. This works best when real estate has been abandoned by the rightful owner. Title to land or property is acquired by adverse possession as a result of the lapse of the statue of limitations for Ejectment, which bars the commencement of a lawsuit by the true owner to recover possession of that land or property, read on.......(Squatting) consists of occupying an abandon or unoccupied space or building usually residential, that the squatter does not own, rent or otherwise have permission to use. Now just think about that statement, and let me say I am by no means advocating any lawlessness but what I am saying is that there are many people during this recession that lost their homes, through no fault of their own. Greed and fraud committed by unscrupulous real estate agents and agencies, large and small financial institutions that have rocked the very foundation of our economic system, and have left many people, broke, bewildered and homeless. As America becomes more like a third world nation and the homeless are forced to erect shanty towns and tent cities, one has to ask themselves, where has the American dream gone? There has never been a better time in history to squat or seize a property through adverse possession, considering there is a ton of unsold, unoccupied and over abundant amount of houses out there, that are ripe for the picking. So you now have my reason for writing this guide, yea I'm a little pissed off and to that end, I feel it's time to take back, it's an eye for an eye, you take mine and I'll take yours. I am neither a radical nor a lunatic, just someone who believes in some form of Justice, instead of the losing end being Just Us! I was not aware of the laws pertaining to squatting or adverse possession, until I researched the laws and found out exactly what adverse possession is and is not. To my surprise, I found that that squatting or adverse possession is a method of gaining legal title to real property, by the actual, open, hostile and continuous possession of it to the exclusion of it's true owner for the period prescribed by state law. It's a kind of legal theft, and every state has adverse possession laws, so check for the laws rules and regulations in your state. Adverse possession simply means the acquisition of land or real estate, by occupying it and paying the property taxes on it. This works best when real estate has been abandoned by the rightful owner. Title to land or property is acquired by adverse possession as a result of the lapse of the statue of limitations for Ejectment, which bars the commencement of a lawsuit by the true owner to recover possession of that land or property, read on....... Read more

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